The outbreak of Gaza and the decisive Israeli response to the bloodthirsty attack by Hamas has everyone with a lump in their throat. Gaza is today the center of the world. Two wars are currently taking place at the crossroads between Europe and Russia and at the crossroads of the Middle East. Two simultaneous wars and others in the waiting room: in the Sahel, maybe in Taiwan one day. In view of the new panorama, La Vanguardia has interviewed the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares (Madrid, 1972).

Two simultaneous wars in fracture zones. Are these two wars connected?

We have, at the moment, no indication. But the two wars are enormously worrying, for the human suffering they entail and for the capacity for regional destabilization. Therefore, from Spain, within the framework of the European Union, we will try to work for peace to return as soon as possible. Ten days ago we reaffirmed in Granada our support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. And we will do everything possible so that the violence ends, does not escalate and does not overflow the entire Middle East.

Does the European Union currently have sufficient political strength, does it have enough scale, to face two simultaneous wars?

Yes. On Tuesday we met all the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the European Union and spoke with one voice. We reject the terrorist attack against Israel by Hamas. We speak with one voice about Israel’s right to defend itself. We speak with one voice about the need to respect international humanitarian law at all times and the release of all the people who are currently held hostage. And now we need to join forces with our colleagues in the region, starting with our Israeli and Palestinian colleagues. On the 27th of November there will be a very important meeting in Barcelona of the Union for the Mediterranean, I want to remind you that Israel and Palestine are sitting at this table.

However, the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, the Hungarian Olivér Várhelyi, announced on his own the suspension of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

It was a unilateral decision, not a consensual one, to which he opposed from the first moment. There is not a single indication that not a penny of the aid to the people of the Gaza Strip has been used for other purposes.

And in Spain is there cohesion? Are there any within the current Government? There was none when the war in Ukraine broke out. Different accents and mismatched fund appreciations are heard these days.

The Government of Spain is united around the desire for peace to return to the Middle East. Having said that, I remember that the only two voices that express the official position in foreign policy are that of the Prime Minister and that of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The position of the Government of Spain is as follows: Israel has the right to defend itself against the terrorist attack by Hamas. International humanitarian law must always be respected. It is necessary to guarantee the protection of the Palestinian population. Basic services and the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza must be guaranteed. This is the position.

The Israeli ultimatum has ended. Is the position of the Spanish Government still the same?

[The interview with Minister Albares took place on Friday at noon, this question was added yesterday afternoon.]

It is urgent to protect the civilian population, allow aid access to Gaza and ensure respect for international humanitarian law, including the release of hostages. We are ready to increase Spanish aid after an initial aid of one million euros this year.

How many Spaniards are left to repatriate from Israel? How will they deal with the situation of the Spanish citizen who, according to all indications, has been kidnapped by Hamas?

Between Israel and the Palestinian territories, there are around 9,000 Spaniards registered at the embassy, ??which we follow very closely to find out which ones could be repatriated. At the moment, we are primarily focused on assessing the situation of the Spanish in Gaza, as we did at the beginning of this week with the citizens blocked by the cancellation of flights. Regarding the missing Spaniard, for his safety and out of respect for the family, I will not make any comments. We know its identity and are working permanently to clarify the situation.

This week the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy, all members of the G-7, issued a joint statement on the situation in the Middle East. Spain was not there. Because?

For a very simple reason. These five countries have long formed an informal group called Quint, which is very consolidated. Spain does not belong to this club. No one has marginalized us. And it is regrettable that the Popular Party has dedicated itself to demagoguery and disinformation about this statement. The PP is already embracing all the disinformation techniques of the extreme right and Trumpism. It is an unfortunate reality.

Are you ready to appear in the Congress of Deputies?

I have no problem appearing before Parliament. I have already spoken to all the parliamentary spokespersons, starting with the PP spokesperson. By the way, I must also point out that the only parliamentary head of the Eurochamber who has so far not wanted to meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain during the Spanish six-monthly presidency of the European Union is Mr. Manfred Weber, president of the European People’s Party.

Will there be any special initiative by the Spanish presidency of the European Union in the next ten days?

We have been talking with the deputy representative [Josep Borrell]. I mentioned earlier the meeting of the Union for the Mediterranean which will take place on November 27 in Barcelona and which may be important. Today [Friday] I met with all the ambassadors of the Arab countries to analyze the situation.

Was the Persian ambassador also present at this meeting with the Arab ambassadors?

We have invited the ambassadors of the Arab League, of which Iran is not part. Iran is a very important country in the Middle East. It is necessary to wish that all countries that can influence contribute to curbing terrorist activities against Israel.

The expansive wave of what is happening in Israel and Gaza is very powerful. Do you think that a crisis can occur between Morocco and Israel? These two countries have just normalized their diplomatic relations, Israel has recognized Morocco’s sovereignty over the Western Sahara and they have established defense agreements. Do you think this alliance can be broken?

I don’t think so and I hope that no crisis will occur between Morocco and Israel. Spain is favorable to the rapprochement between the Arab countries and Israel.

Does the relationship with Algeria remain unalterably cold?

Spain, as always, continues to extend its hand.

The Yom Kippur War ended with a phenomenal energy crisis in 1973. The Arab countries decided to raise oil prices to punish Western support for Israel. That crisis changed many things in Europe and the United States. Are we headed for another major energy crisis?

I think that citizens should not worry needlessly. This scenario is not in any forecast. At the moment it is not being considered by any of the producing countries. What is important for the Spanish to know is that our energy needs are perfectly covered and we have very reliable suppliers.

Manfred Weber mentioned earlier…

He still didn’t want to meet me. I have applied four times. It seems unusual to me.

Does Spain support the candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen to repeat as president of the European Commission?

There is still time for that. The Government of Spain has an extraordinary relationship with Mrs Von der Leyen.

It is true, there are still more than seven months to go before the elections to the European Parliament. In Spain, before that, another issue will have to be resolved: the investiture of a prime minister. Was it necessary to reach a very complicated parliamentary arithmetic, almost impossible, for the Spanish Government to go to all of them to obtain the recognition of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the European Parliament?

It is not entirely true, what you say. I want to remind you that the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero achieved the introduction of Catalan, Basque and Galician as languages ??of communication with the citizens. The treaties have been translated. The European Parliament was missing. We put the issue on the table at the last European General Affairs Council and there was no veto. This is very important.

Can there be a resolution on the 24th?

We are talking to many countries, especially those who wanted to comment on the issue. I am sure that on the 24th we will make progress. In Europe, things take their time.

Is it true that Italy was about to veto?

I do not want to reveal the positions of one country or another. The important thing is that there was no veto.

Are your European colleagues asking you about a possible amnesty for Catalan independence activists?

My European colleagues ask me when there will be a government in Spain.