Two weeks ago, Molins de Rei’s main party ended with a night of disastrous memories with confrontations with the police, barricades of burning containers, a vandalized dealership and a looted telephone shop, among other incidents. The episode alerted the security forces and nearby towns. Even the Minister of the Interior of the Generalitat, Joan Ignasi Elena, announced changes to the police devices at public events, also due to other incidents in Manresa and Vic. With a considerable police reinforcement, the autumn festival of Sant Feliu de Llobregat came to an end this weekend. And in the capital of Baix Llobregat, right next to Molins de Rei, incidents were also lamented despite the increase in police resources. However, not as serious as those of a fortnight ago.

According to sources from the Mossos d’Esquadra, the riots in Sant Feliu began in the morning from Saturday to Sunday around 4:30 a.m., when the concerts ended. There were already some skirmishes between the young rioters, but when the police line appeared they confronted the police and threw objects, such as bottles, at them.

Then the desolation began. This time, the Mossos d’Esquadra had the help of drones. There were also Brimo and Arro units, in a special device that had the collaboration of the local police and in the course of which checks were made on public transport and at the entrances to the city, where material likely to be used in illegal acts was seized and identifications were made.

In the early morning, a group of more than ten individuals broke the window of a computer equipment store, although, according to the Mossos, the agents arrived so quickly that they could not loot it. On the other hand, they also took the opportunity to break motorbikes and some car windows.

However, according to the Mossos, the extensive police force prevented the riots from “going further”. Sant Feliu de Llobregat Town Council shares the assessment. According to the Consistory, which confirmed that burnt containers were also complained about during the festivities, the device was “key to avoid major damage”. “The balance is positive, since we have worked from prevention and coordination”, he expressed in a statement.

Regarding the disturbances on the last night of the Sant Feliu festivities, the Mossos opened an investigation and at the time of the closing of this edition, no arrests were made. Pending identification, the Catalan police sources themselves could not confirm, nor rule out, that the rioters were the same ones who acted in Molins de Rei a fortnight ago.