The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida (PP), will support in the ordinary plenary session of the Madrid City Council in October the proposal of the Vox parliamentary group, led by Javier Ortega Smith, to award the Medal of Honor of the City from Madrid to the people of Israel.

During an interview on Servimedia, the councilor commented that “there is no doubt that we support Israel without fissures, that we are with the Israeli people, that we share the fate of the Israeli people at this time.”

After transmitting it in person to the Israeli ambassador, Rodica Radian-Gordon, Almeida has committed to making “all necessary efforts” to grant the aforementioned municipal distinction.

Regarding the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Almeida responded that it happens, first of all “because there are no ‘buts’” in expressions such as “Israel has to defend itself, but…; Israel has suffered unjustifiable aggression, but… Israel is a State created by the UN in 1948 and, therefore…”.

The mayor criticized that “that is what the left is doing” and denounced that the left in Spain “is always casting a shadow of suspicion not on the terrorists who attacked Israel, but on Israel” and denounced that “they have been doing it since “It’s been too long.”

For this reason, the councilor demanded that the left “recognize where the situation comes from” and continued explaining that the situation “comes from the fact that there is a terrorist group, which is Hamas, that has attacked Israel” and that, therefore, Israel “It has not only the right, but the duty, to defend itself and maintain its territorial integrity,” and also to try to ensure that “this in the future, to the extent possible, does not happen again.”

On the other hand, in relation to the recognition of the Palestinian State, Almeida recalled that there is a non-law proposal that was approved in 2014 in the Congress of Deputies. For this reason, he commented that “Pedro Sánchez will have to be asked why in his five years as President of the Government he has not fallen for this non-legal proposition.”

In this regard, the first mayor of Madrid stressed that it will have to be the President of the Government who has the responsibility of carrying it out “always within the framework of international law and in accordance with what is allowed by the Congress of Deputies.” .