The acting Minister of the Interior of Spain, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has considered it essential to work on a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, in order to avoid the “radicalization and polarization” that could cause the difference in positions in the European Union.

This was reported by Marlaska upon his arrival at the EU Council of Ministers, in which the impact that the situation in the Middle East may have on the internal security of EU states will be addressed. This topic has been included on the agenda thanks to the country that presides over the EU Council this semester, Spain.

The minister has insisted on the priority of “working on tension, because what all these situations can do is, so to speak, promote polarization within our countries”, and added that “that is why the ceasefire is so important.” .

Regarding anti-terrorist security in Spain, Marlaska stressed last Wednesday that Spanish society must be “absolutely calm” because the Security Forces continuously monitor threats such as terrorists, and has asked for confidence in “the great professionalism of our men and women in matters of prevention and fight against terrorism”.