At least six people have died and another 14 have had to be hospitalized when a Russian attack hit a post office in Kharkiv, Ukraine, the Military Administration of the area reported early Sunday morning.

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, had denounced the attack minutes before. “A Russian missile has hit a postal terminal,” Zelensky said on his social networks, underlining the “civilian” nature of the infrastructure hit and calling for “increasing pressure” on Russia in response to its “terrorist” actions.

The head of the Ukrainian state published a video in which the infrastructure of the private Ukrainian postal company Nova Poshta is seen seriously damaged. In the video it can be seen that at least one truck of this postal company that provides service throughout Europe was damaged in the attack.

The first death toll was provided immediately afterwards by the Kharkiv Military Administration.

“As a result of the attack by the occupiers on a Nova Poshta terminal in the Kharkiv region, six people have died and another 14 have been hospitalized due to injuries,” its top official, Oleg Siniegubov, wrote on his Telegram account.

Some wounded, Siniegúbov added, are “in serious condition.”