A flight from Türkiye to Belarus. The passage is made up of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and other Arab countries. Alexander Lukashenko’s regime has promised them that they will be able to enter Europe through their country. But when immigrants arrive at the border with Poland they only find hostility, hunger, thirst, difficulties and immediate deportations.

The Polish Government does not want to welcome more foreigners. He alleges that they will be “the future terrorists who plant bombs in the Warsaw subway” and trains his border guards to force the refugees to return to Belarusian territory. Despite everything, there is some hope, because a group of volunteers made up of doctors, psychologists and young activists care for people trapped on the terrible green border, even risking being detained by the Polish police.

Agnieszka Holland explores all the aspects of the refugee crisis in Green border, one of the films of the year, which won the special jury prize at the last Venice festival and is now competing in the official section of the Seminci. The director has spoken with La Vanguardia about this film that will be screened in November at the European Parliament.

Your film addresses the refugee crisis, what will happen now with the conflict between Palestine and Israel?

It is a tragic conflict that does not seem to have a solution. Nobody wants Palestinian refugees, neither Lebanon nor Egypt nor Saudi Arabia nor Europe. When Hamas attacked Israel last week, no one expected it and people are now against the Palestinians. The Israelis are afraid and Hamas are Islamic terrorists. It is true that there are those who defend them because they think that they have nothing left, that terrorism is their last refuge. The solution may have been within reach 40 years ago, with the Oslo process, but now it is very complicated. There are Russian Jews who have arrived in Israel and are very fanatical. Between Israel and Palestine there is only one thing in common: hatred and fear.

Green border raises the tragedy of hot returns. What is the European Union doing to prevent them?

Poland has legalized hot returns. That the State legalizes crime and violence is very serious. And the truth is that it is good for the European Union, because it is the Poles who get their hands dirty and the other countries say: “I wasn’t the one.” There are no consequences. Some refugees have taken legal action and may reach European courts and receive some compensation. There are commissioners who have complained, but nothing more has been done. I think my film has gone further than politics.

Have you worked with real actors or refugees?

They are real actors, but they are also refugees. Jalal Altawil is a well-known actor in Syria, who was in prison sentenced to death and had to escape the country. Behi Djanati Atai, who plays the Afghan Leila, is actually Iranian and fled her country as a child. The children, who are brothers, are Syrian. They live in Istanbul. They have been returned to Syria six times, but now have refugee status.

His films, like this one or Europa Europa, highlight the suffering of children…

Children are always the first victims of any conflict. With the protagonists of the film we have been very careful so that they do not relive the trauma, their father was with them in all the scenes and they received psychological care. But they were very strong and disciplined and had a good time with the work.

Is there a solution to the refugee crisis?

The first thing we have to do is not close our eyes, look for the causes and face the problem. Collaboration between countries is essential, because nothing can be resolved individually.