The acting president of the Government and general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, and the acting second vice president and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, have signed this Tuesday the agreement reached between both formations to reissue the coalition government if they achieve the necessary support to carry out the investiture.

The agreement includes more than 230 important economic and social measures such as the reduction of the working day without a salary reduction to 37 and a half hours or the reform of regional financing, pending since 2014, among others.

The agreement was ratified this afternoon at a public event held at the Reino Sofía Museum in which Sánchez and Díaz participated. “The objective of full employment for the next legislature will be a priority that will permeate the entire agreement,” the two political groups said this morning when announcing the agreement in a statement. “Let’s buy time for life.” Yolanda Díaz has summarized.

– Reduction of working hours without salary reduction to 37 and a half hours

– Increase in the minimum professional salary so that there is no loss of purchasing power in the group

– Increase in guarantees for workers against dismissal

– Promotion of a great income pact that guarantees the recovery of the purchasing power of salaries

– Shock plan against youth and long-term unemployment

– Approval of the scholarship holder’s statute to end precariousness in this group

– Strengthening the public health system to reduce waiting lists and revitalize primary care. Maximum waiting times will be established in the National Health System.

– Increase the portfolio of public health services and benefits (oral, visual and mental)

– Increase in healthcare places in universities

– Improve the working conditions of public health workers

– Increase in the public housing stock with the objective of reaching 20% ??of the total stock

– Development of the housing law to contain prices, including tax incentives and rent regulation mechanisms

– Regulation of tourist accommodation

– Upward review of the objectives of the Climate Change Law, green revolution, positioning Spain as a power in renewable energy, placing the environment at the center of all policies

– Promotion of the electric car and rail transport of people and goods

– Maintain public transport bonuses

– Reduce domestic flights on those routes in which there is a rail alternative with a duration of less than 2 and a half hours, except in cases of connection with hub airports that link with international routes.

– Double the number of households covered by the social electricity bonus

– Air conditioning of schools and nursing homes and bioclimatization of public centers

– Planned, safe, orderly and socially fair closure of nuclear power plants

– Extension of paid maternity and paternity leave up to 20 weeks

– Care Law.

– Investment of 5% of GDP in public education

– Improvement of working conditions for primary and secondary teachers

– Universalization of education from 0 to 3 years, with the guarantee that access to public education for two-year-old boys and girls will be for everyone at the end of the legislature

– Fair tax reform that makes banks and large energy companies contribute to public spending

-Ensure that the effective 15% is reached in companies and improve the progressivity of personal income tax, as well as improvements in incentives per child

– State Pact against tax fraud

– Continue moving forward with a new taxation of wealth in the framework of regional financing to end the unfair fiscal competition between territories

– Reform of regional financing pending renewal since 2014.

– Meanwhile, the provision of public services in underfunded communities such as the Valencian Community will be guaranteed via budgets.

– Reform of the law on Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Administration

– A maximum time of 30 days will be established for the receipt of more important social benefits such as unemployment or dependency aid.

– Repeal of the gag law after Congress failed to reform it in March of this year

– Approval of a law against racism

– Promotion of a State pact in favor of the rights of LGTBI people

– Compliance with the Constitution will be guaranteed in relation to the renewal of constitutional bodies, especially the General Council of the Judiciary.