“Wet paper”. This is the opinion that the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, deserves in the agreement presented this afternoon by the acting president of the Government and socialist candidate for the investiture, Pedro Sánchez, and the acting vice president and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz. A dead letter, said Feijóo, because “without the Catalan independentists there will be no Government”, and the measures included in that pact will be nothing if they do not have the support of Puigdemont.

For the leader of the PP, it is even more of a mess, because he has also received criticism from Podemos, which claims to be unaware of the content of the pact, and because “he does not hide that the only support that Pedro Sánchez has obtained for his investiture is that of Bildu. “, without also knowing in exchange for what. Therefore, more than the content of the agreement between PSOE and Sumar, what interests Feijóo is “knowing how the PSOE’s negotiations with the Catalan independentists are going and in exchange for what Sánchez plans to get support for his investiture.

The PP makes jokes “with the theatricalization” of the PSOE and Sumar to present its legislative agreement and announce before the morning that an agreement had been reached “as if they had been negotiating all night”, when everyone knew that it was going to there is agreement. “It is announced that one gets married or one gets divorced,” said the PP Spokesperson, Borja Semper, “but it is not announced that one remains married,” he noted.

Of course, the PP has a reproach to the two parties that will make up the Government if Pedro Sánchez obtains the support that he still needs apart from that of Sumar, to be inaugurated, and that is that “if the amnesty is the issue of the investiture, “How is it possible that in their agreement they do not put their position on the amnesty in black and white,” or is it, he added, “that they take us for idiots.” For the PP, what interests it is what Yolanda Díaz spoke with Carles Puigdemont and knowing, if applicable, the meeting or conversation that occurs between Sánchez and the former president of the Generalitat.

Regarding the rest of the content of the agreement, or what was known about it when Semper held the press conference after the steering committee meeting, Borja Semper did not want to delve into any of it, not even with regard to the reduction of the working day to 37.5 hours, although in his opinion it will not serve to increase the reconciliation of personal and work life.

The only thing that the deputy secretary of the PP pointed out is that an issue like that should be the result of the agreement between the social agents, and while that happens for him what the agreement says “does not have sufficient relevance”, because what will determine whether it can be to approve or not is “what Junts and Puigdemont think, and what the PNV thinks.” From the reduction of working hours and other issues such as taxes on companies.

“What the PSOE and Sumar have agreed upon is irrelevant if it does not have the approval of Puigdemont,” he concluded, and everything else is “theatricalization, half-words, euphemisms and false epics, as if we did not have enough problems in Spain” and “as if the world did not need statesmen.”

Meanwhile, the PP continues to demand a date for the investiture, with a blunt approach: “If there is a government we are prepared for the opposition, and if there is a repeat election we are prepared for the elections.” And given the continuity of the government in office, it will take to the Senate all the control measures it deems appropriate, “before the closure of Congress.” The next will be the creation of a commission of inquiry into the functioning of the CIS (Center for Sociological Research) and its possible irregularities.