In the midst of a year as dark in terms of gender violence as the one the country is experiencing in 2023, where 51 women have been murdered by their partners or ex-partners, 17 of them in Andalusia, a 32-year-old man from Jerez de La Frontera, in Cádiz, has pretended to be another victim of this scourge, putting in check all the bodies involved in the fight against this type of machismo in a good part of the Cádiz province.

The ‘gracieta’, for which he ended up being arrested, took place on October 19, when the individual made a call to 016, a telephone number for victims of gender violence, pretending to be a pregnant woman and mother of six children. , of Muslim origin, who was being held, attacked, raped and forced into prostitution by her husband.

As reported by the Civil Guard, after receiving the alert, a search and location device for the alleged victim was initiated, which included uniformed, investigation and technological units, which were working uninterruptedly until the perpetrator was located.

During the call, the user was unable to say exactly the address she was at, she simply offered as information that she was in a rural home in the Cadiz town of El Bosque where she was being physically and sexually assaulted by her husband.

After receiving the communication, and given the seriousness of the events reported by the alleged victim, the Civil Guard began the search for the woman, in which the social services of several municipalities in the mountains, health centers and various entities were involved. that could give some clue.

After a second communication with the ANAR Foundation, which helps abuse in childhood and adolescence, the IP address from which the communication had been made was located through the Central Services based in Madrid.

The experience in this type of situation due to the subtle contradictions that the alleged victim would have incurred and the quick location of the postal address and owner of the line from which the communications had been made, led to the possibility that they would be found. facing a simulation of a crime.

For this reason, a quick investigation was carried out on the residents of said home, an elderly couple and a 32-year-old son, all residents of Jerez de la Frontera.

After informing the judicial authority of the evidence obtained, the suspects’ statement was gathered at the home, resulting in the alleged responsibility of the couple’s son in the events investigated, who was arrested in the early hours of the 20th for simulation of a crime. .

The man was transferred to the Civil Guard offices to complete the proceedings and present himself before the judicial authority, who after hearing his statement ordered his release with charges pending the corresponding trial.

The year 2023 has turned out to be a disastrous year in terms of women murdered in sexist crimes, with 51 victims of this scourge being recorded. Of them, 17 were Andalusian or lived in the community, 4 of them in Cádiz.

Besides. According to data consulted by this newspaper on the Ministry of Equality portal, 016 has received and managed a total of 72,297 calls reporting a case of gender violence during this year, 9,215 of which have been made from Andalusia.