A total of 54 local initiatives in defense of the environment will receive financial aid, advice and training within the framework of the seventh call for the Sponsorship of Natural Spaces program, developed by the Libera project, an SEO/BirdLife initiative in alliance with Ecoembes . This year the program offers aid of up to 1,500 euros, offers training in various areas, provides the technical advice necessary for the execution of the projects and organizes an annual meeting where sponsored projects can share experiences and generate synergies.

In the current edition, a total of 54 initiatives have been selected at the national level, which will receive aid of up to 1,500 euros each. In addition, ten of the selected initiatives have obtained the recognition of ‘Sponsorship plus’, with funding of up to 3,000 euros, due to carrying out actions of greater magnitude and scope.

To qualify for this category, the projects submitted must have been part of the ‘Sponsorship of natural spaces’ program for at least the previous two years.

In Andalusia, the Doñana Guides Association will continue with awareness-raising and cleaning actions in the Doñana natural area, seeking support between companies and collaborations with other entities committed to the conservation of the environment.

For its part, in Extremadura, the project presented by the Extremadura Delegation of the ADASEC Spain association has been selected as ‘Sponsorship plus’, which will carry out a garbage removal project on the banks of the Guadiana River in Badajoz. The project includes volunteer actions, awareness and artistic activities to keep the natural environment clean.

The Balearic Tree Association has also been selected within this distinguished group of sponsorships. It offers guided tours to the Son Ferrer Forest in Mallorca, educating its visitors about the Mediterranean forest and adaptation to climate change. In addition, garbage removal is carried out during the visit.

In Galicia, the “San Antón” Neighborhood Association of Dexo, which is responsible for maintaining crops and meadows that favor birds and pollinators, which promotes biodiversity, has also been chosen as ‘Sponsorship plus’, since it combines raising awareness with artistic activities to promote environmental conservation.

In Catalonia, two projects have been selected within this group: The initiative of GEPEC-EdC (Group for the Study and Protection of Catalan Ecosystems – Ecologists of Catalonia), which undertakes to raise awareness and mitigate threats to populations of jasper newts in the region of Montsià; and the initiative of the Association for the Conservation of Natural Ecosystems, which carries out a fluvial conservation project with conservation actions, awareness and elimination of invasive species in the mountains of Prades.

In Castilla-La Mancha, the Libera project has chosen as a ‘plus’ the NGO SOLMAN (Manchegan Solidarity for the Peoples of the Third World), whose project focuses on the prevention and elimination of garbage in the Wildlife Refuge of the Embalse del Vicario and the Bañuelos River in Ciudad Real, common recreational areas of the local community.

One more year the Faunatura Association has been another of those chosen. It focuses on the conservation of the Sierra de Orihuela, a mountainous ecosystem crucial for various bird species. The project addresses threats such as garbage disposal, the proliferation of invasive exotic flora and the increase in recreational activities.

In the Canary Islands, the “Discover La Marciega” project of the Canarian Foundation for Recycling and Sustainable Development (Fundación Canarias Recicla) has been another of those chosen. This initiative aims to recover and promote the La Marciega Wetland in Gran Canaria. The aim is to preserve and publicize this natural space among the local population and ecotourism. Finally, the Licaón Canine Association has also been selected as ‘Sponsorship plus’. Under the motto “Spain on Foot against Garbage”, this organization is carrying out a walking tour from Madrid through natural routes. The project focuses on enjoying the journey, collecting garbage and promoting ecotourism.

“Conservation in the territory is essential to raise awareness among citizens about the environmental problems that exist in their locality. Furthermore, in the case of garbage, a better resolution of the conflict is achieved, because they are the best allies to maintain their environments and ecosystems in the best state of health,” says Miguel Muñoz, coordinator of the Libera project at SEO/BirdLife.

For her part, Sara Güemes, coordinator of the Libera project at Ecoembes, indicated that “it is really gratifying to observe the effort and dedication of all the local organizations. It is essential to highlight your commitment and active participation in the conservation of our natural environments. At Libera, we are committed to continuing to support their projects and express our sincere gratitude for the commendable work they do.”

For the selection of projects, the Libera project has assessed the quality and variety of approaches proposed to combat litter. Likewise, the high ecological value of the areas of action of the proposed actions and that they are structured around one of Libera’s axes has been decisive in the decision-making: knowledge, prevention and participation.

Organizations and initiatives sponsored by the Libera project