Nothing better than a satisfied customer to know what it means to hire an effective and competitive service. 95% of CRONUTS.DIGITAL clients continue with them after the first year and the vast majority continue for some time afterward. The data is not strange considering that this Catalan company has doubled its turnover last year, as it already did in 2021, reaching just over a million at the end of 2023. “The train is going fast, but we are going to try to make it go. even faster,” they say from the company.

The co-founders of this digital consultancy, Albert Puig, Eduard Vivar and Borja Planells, have seen how their team has gone from being formed by themselves, three partners managing several small clients, to growing to more than thirty people with specialized profiles working for more than eighty clients nationally and internationally. The formula for its success is based on making the need of SMEs a great virtue: achieving a digital transformation that makes them grow and is positively reflected in the income statement.

Thus, clients have been found who are a benchmark in their sector but who see how the competition, better positioned in digital, is gaining market share. Companies that have many open social networks without valuable content or interaction with their target audience, or those that have obsolete web pages, a dehumanized digital presence and that have lost possibilities of expansion in other markets precisely due to an erroneous or non-existent digitalization strategy .

CRONUTS.DIGITAL has seen its achievements – and those of its clients – multiply. With the help of this digital consultancy, an SME that is dedicated to the intermediation of dental clinics managed to sign two transfers after a single month of collaboration. Today it has increased its sales, obtaining profits and guaranteeing business continuity. Another industrial chemical products distribution company grew its turnover by 20% thanks to a 360-degree digital transformation. A company dedicated to the medical sector has even established itself by attracting customers through its digital channel and increasing its turnover by 10%.

The consulting firm also highlights the case of a consultancy specialized in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, which already invoices thousands of euros per month and is expanding its team; the example of a very internationally recognized business school that switched to 100% digital recruitment of its students, considerably increasing the turnover on its courses or how they have helped a clinical testing company to modernize an old and outdated digital image. activity and stand up to its competitors.

The philosophy of CRONUTS.DIGITAL is “less slides and more action”. “We feel part of our clients’ companies and we know that we are participants in their results. All our actions are aimed at this,” highlights Albert Puig. In fact, they become their clients’ digital department from start to finish focused on obtaining the results the business seeks and with which they communicate directly. This way of team building and being agile differentiates CRONUTS.DIGITAL from traditional consulting firms, as does another of its mantras: offering a service that does not require a large investment.

Any of its clients experience the advantages of the consulting firm designing their digital strategy, developing their website, optimizing their SEO, managing paid campaigns, creating content for each of the platforms in place, recording and editing videos, performing tasks email marketing and use artificial intelligence to gain speed and effectiveness. This consultancy even has its own podcast room and trains clients in digital skills. All this included in a single monthly service, Digital Partner, which is equivalent to less than an average Spanish salary.

This way of accompanying the client, making it easy for them, being close, direct and guaranteeing results breaks with the false beliefs of many SMEs who see digitalization as something that is always expensive, full of technicalities and that does not add value or impact their benefits. “Only 0.8% of Spanish SMEs use Google Analytics 4 technology. That is, 99% of companies do not know the traffic that comes to their website or they do not have a website and that is one of the most basic points of any digital acquisition strategy,” says Borja Planells.

In Spain, 99.8% of companies are SMEs, that is, they are almost the entire business fabric of the country. So there is still a lot to do. “In general, the US and European markets are ahead of Spain in digitalization, but more and more Spanish companies are betting on the digital channel as the main generator of new customers,” remarks Eduard Vivar.

If we talk about the distribution of a budget, sometimes marketing is largely forgotten in small and medium-sized companies, when a good strategy in that area makes the difference; Allocating the appropriate budget to marketing today becomes crucial for SMEs, ranging between 5% and 25% of total revenue, depending on the sector. With the growing trend of moving resources from traditional to digital marketing, it is vital to act decisively. “If you don’t venture out, your competitors will gain ground on you,” they warn from CRONUTS.DIGITAL. Investing in digitalization is investing in the future and sustainability of the business, making the difference between leading the industry or falling behind.

Digital talent adds value to any company. And what CRONUTS.DIGITAL proposes is a competitive and accessible alternative for SMEs to embrace a reality to which they cannot continue turning their backs. With proven effectiveness.