Mucocele, mucosal retention phenomenon or retention cyst is a nodule-shaped tumor or lump caused by retention of saliva secretion. This can occur due to trauma to the mucosa of the oral cavity or the minor salivary glands. Mucocele is usually translucent bluish in color and is quite common in children and adolescents, although it can also appear at other ages; usually from the age of 50. This occurs equally in men and women.

Biting the lip, rubbing against the teeth, rubbing against orthodontic appliances… can cause the rupture of a minor salivary gland duct, so its contents accumulate and generate a mucocele due to extravasation that grows rapidly. If it breaks, its contents are transparent and viscous. Mucocele due to retention occurs due to epithelial proliferation in the salivary gland.

If the mucocele appears on the floor of the mouth, under the tongue, it is called ‘ranula’. This type affects the sublingual salivary glands.

If it appears on the palate or in the back of the mouth it is called a ‘superficial mucocele’.

A mucocele is a lump that usually appears on the inside of the lower lip but can also be found on the palate, cheek, tongue, and on the floor of the mouth, under the tongue. It is not painful even to the touch, it has a translucent and shiny appearance.

A visual examination will be enough to diagnose the mucocele, but the specialist will probably order a blood test and an orthopantomogram to rule out other causes.

The treatment of choice is the total removal of the tumor and its branches to prevent its recurrence (recurrence).

Prevention to avoid the appearance of mucocele focuses on avoiding biting the lips to avoid trauma to the mucosa of the oral cavity and avoiding friction in the area that could cause ruptures in the ducts of a salivary gland.