It’s getting closer and closer until Gabriela Guillén and Bertín Osborne welcome their first and only child together. The ex-couple was involved in a huge media stir a few months ago when it came to light that the businesswoman was expecting the singer’s baby. News that revolutionized the Spanish scene after learning that the presenter was going to be a father again at the age of 69.

Months later, the media war between both sides of the story remains more alive than ever. It is a fact that the relationship between the businesswoman and the singer is more than broken due to the numerous accusations that both protagonists have been throwing at each other all this time. A situation that intensified when the singer announced that his intention was to take a paternity test.

Despite all the squabbles, it seems that the pregnancy continues its course normally and this Friday we learned one of the great unknowns of this pregnancy: the sex of the baby. Gabriela Guillén has refused to answer this question before the media on several occasions. But this Friday, the Así es la vida team answered this mystery.

The presenter, Cesar Muñoz, revealed live that Gabriela Guillén and Bertín Osborne will be parents of a child. A revelation that they knew thanks to the comment on social networks of one of Guillén’s friends, who wrote: “He is a boy.” In addition, the program team was able to witness the baby shower that was held last night in a restaurant in the center of the Spanish capital.

One of the program’s reporters was right in front of the door of Gabriela Guillén’s home and assured that there had been no movement at the moment. ”Gabriela must be resting because last night she and her closest circle were celebrating in style in a restaurant in the center of Madrid,” the reporter stated.

After his words, the Telecinco space broadcast exclusive images of last night’s celebration. In them we can see how Gabriela Guillén arrives at the restaurant and begins to finalize all the details before her twelve guests arrive.

The program also revealed the menu that all its guests could taste: guacamole with pico de gallo, Russian salad with belly, old Tudela tomato, vegetable gyozas, monkfish bite, chicken skewer, mini hamburgers and creamy chocolate. After dinner, the businesswoman and her friends continued celebrating into the Madrid night.