A baker at the Café de la Estación de Sants, in Barcelona, ??has had to be reinstated in the job she held in 2018 when a video surveillance camera recorded the woman while she was urinating on different utensils in the bakery, something for which She was abruptly fired.

The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia declared his dismissal inadmissible after considering that the graphic evidence had been obtained illegally, since the camera was located in an area where the workers changed clothes and were not informed of its existence. The sentence also required the woman’s readmission or compensation of more than 25,000 euros.

Enric Prats, the employee’s lawyer, intervened this Friday on the Telecinco TardeAR program to give all the details about the document and clarify that there is no evidence obtained, at least legally, that proves the facts for which the Baker was fired. “At no time has this event occurred,” he began by saying.

“In the dismissal letter it is true that the company says that the worker was dismissed disciplinaryly, due to contractual bad faith, and then they explain the facts. The facts are those that are transcribed in the sentence, but this fact has never been have been able to prove, at least in a legal, licit manner, and that is why they have declared the dismissal unfair,” Prats clarified.

The lawyer assures that “some cash and inventory imbalances” led the company “to hire a company of detectives,” who installed cameras like the one that would have recorded the employee. “The ones that were in the cafeteria were listed and informed, but the ones they put in the workshop they put in secret, without notifying anyone,” he said.

“What happens in this case is that it seems unbelievable that we are in the 21st century and there are companies like this one, which from 6 in the morning until 11 a.m. did not let any worker go to the bathroom, and from 11 a.m. they could. go, but as it turns out that this company neither had changing rooms nor had toilets, when they had to go, they went to the toilets paying 1 euro each time they wanted to go,” Prats mentioned as possible reasons why the worker decided to urinate on the utensils. kitchen.