“Pigs”, “traitors”, “You are going to pour the liver out of your mouth.” This cascade of insults accompanied by the throwing of eggs surprised four PSOE deputies when they were leaving a cafeteria on their way from Congress to the second session of the investiture debate. One of the eggs hit the head of the Aragonese parliamentarian Herminio Sancho, as explained to La Vanguardia by the Valencian deputy Vicent Sarrià who was accompanying him at that time along with the PSE deputies María Luisa García Gurruchaga and Daniel Senderos.

Luckily, Sarrià says, the presence of two plainclothes police officers who were in the area prevented the attack from escalating. “They escorted us to Congress, while the ultras followed behind, uttering all kinds of insults,” he says. “If it’s not for the police we won’t leave,” Sánchez added to the press before re-entering the chamber to proceed to the vote. “If it’s not for the police we won’t leave,” Sancho himself explained to journalists shortly after.

The four deputies were having coffee around 8 in the morning in a bar near the hotel where they are staying. When they came out, they observed the presence of a group of “ultras with a very marked aesthetic” who seemed to be beginning to gather in the vicinity of the Congress, says Sarrià. It was then that they were identified and the threats and aggression began. Luckily, the Police acted and safeguarded the integrity of the parliamentarians who were able to access Congress.

Sources from the Socialist Group explained that the aggressors have been identified by the Police and that the PSOE will file the corresponding complaint.

Already in the Congress chamber, the PSOE spokesperson, Patxi López, in his turn to speak in the investiture debate, has mentioned these events for which he has blamed the right and in particular the PP for the “shams” and “lies.” ” that. In his opinion, they have spoken out against the socialists because of the “frustration” of not having achieved at the polls what they demand in the streets. “He who sows winds reaps storms,” ??warned López, who has reproached the PP for words directed at the socialists such as “traitors”, “tyrants” or “coup d’état.”

“When it is said that we socialists are selling Spain, when because we think differently we are considered enemies of the country, and you gentlemen of the PP have done so, you feed those who attack socialist headquarters and those who this morning have thrown eggs at deputies of this room,” López has disfigured. “Courage and strength to all of them, they are not going to silence us!” The socialist spokesperson raised his tone after which his party burst into applause for deputy Sancho. “We once again ask for restraint and sanity in expressions, do not continue feeding the beast that will end up devouring you,” López warned the popular ranks.