EH Bildu had made it clear even before the 23-J elections that its seats would be aimed at enabling the reissue of a progressive coalition Government, a decision that it ratified without ambiguity when it was seen that the numbers worked and that this Thursday it will take effect. . The spokesperson for the Abertzale coalition, Mertxe Aizpurua, in any case, has taken advantage of her intervention to convey to Sánchez that his training will be “ambitious and demanding” and that it will demand “opening a serene, ambitious and profound debate that addresses plurinationality and the territorial of the State from the effective recognition of the different realities and national identities that make it up”, as well as delving into “the necessary social and economic transformation in favor of the majority.” “Mr. Sánchez, today we are not giving you a blank check,” she indicated.

Aizpurua, therefore, has made it clear that his training will be demanding around, basically, two axes: plurinationality and, secondly, social transformation, an area in which he has demanded the development of policies aimed at guaranteeing ” the well-being of the working majority in the face of large companies and economic powers.”

“Our only interest is to advance the national rights of our people and improve the lives of citizens, also sharing these improvements with the popular and working classes of the State from a clear principle of class solidarity. Stopping the extreme right and keeping open the window of opportunity for social and plurinational progress is the only option to try to achieve it. Keep open the window of opportunity to reach good agreements that continue to improve our self-government, our social rights and peace and coexistence in our country,” she noted.

Mertxe Aizpurua began his speech by looking at Gaza and demanding that the Government leave the investiture forcefully “to denounce without nuance the genocide against the Palestinian people.”

“Mr. Sánchez, we ask you to act. We ask that, as you hold the presidency of the European Union, you use all diplomatic, political and economic capacity to stop this genocide. “Do not let another day pass, Mr. Sánchez, recognize the Palestinian State and promote that recognition within the European Union,” he said.

Secondly, Aizpurua remembered Santi Brouard and Josu Muguruza, leaders of Herri Batasuna murdered on November 20, 1984 and 1989 respectively, by the GAL.

From there, plurinationality and “social transformation”, two axes to which in the final stretch of his speech he added a reference to the “democratization of the State” and the fight against the “deep state”.

On the question of plurinationality, he has indicated that his formation, “abertzale, independence and leftist”, has as its aspiration “the construction of a Basque Republic, because we are convinced that it will be the best formula to advance Basque society towards a “more just, freer, egalitarian and democratic society.” “But our national condition is not built against anyone, but in favor of the working social majority of our country. Because we do not want to be more than anyone, but not less either,” she indicated.

In this sense, he added that “the debate on plurinationality is a debate that is deeply respectful of all national feelings, it is a debate that seeks respect and agreement.”

In relation to the social agenda, Aizpurua has denounced that the Transition was built on the “denial of the different nations” and “the privileges for the economic, financial and business elites that are still maintained today.”

“Mr. Sánchez, you say that starting today you will constitute a new progressive Government, for a progressive legislature. You say that neoliberal recipes have failed. Well, we hope they are not empty words, because this time it will not be enough to take certain temporary and superficial measures that do not transform the reality of social inequality and economic neoliberalism,” he indicated.

Aizpurua has highlighted that during the last legislature agreements were reached to revalue and improve pensions and increase the SMI; rents were regulated through the Housing Law; and “the Minimum Living Income, the Euthanasia Law and the Abortion Law, the Social Shield, taxes on the rich, banking and electricity companies or the anti-crisis decrees and their numerous protection measures or the bonus for public transportation” were approved. .

“All of them were measures that improved people’s lives, yes, but more is needed, to advance even more in all of this and to fulfill the promises that were pending so that this is a legislature with a clear drive, ambition and social depth” , has added.

The candidate for the investiture, Pedro Sánchez, has responded to Aizpurua in a cordial tone, thanking him for both his announced vote in favor and his support to advance social laws during the last term.

“I cannot promise that I will satisfy all the demands that your group considers a priority, but I am fully willing to discuss all of them,” said the socialist leader.