Coincident or not, this week worms have been detected in the food of two schools in Madrid. Parents’ alarms have gone off.

The first that has come to light is the Mater Purissima charter school, located in the Madrid district of Usera, where “two worms on two different days” have been detected in chickpea dishes of students who were preparing to have lunch in the dining room. , as published by the newspaper ‘El Mundo’ and confirmed to Efe by the director of the center, Almudena Román.

“We put both the dining room and the catering company that supplies the food (Ausolan) on alert and, after an analysis, the company determined that they were typical legume worms and the entire batch that could be affected was removed,” he said. Roman explained.

“We have verified that the food has all the guarantees of health and quality and can be eaten in the dining room perfectly, at the same time that we have started an evaluation process, in which the school has been opened so that families can see the food “added the director.

Likewise, he detailed that they have held a meeting with the families to give them these explanations and issued a statement last Friday to inform them that it has been “a serious and unpleasant incident” that has occurred “twice” in a “specific” manner and that, immediately, measures have been taken to increase surveillance.

But coincidentally, the management of the Escuelas Bosque center, in the Moncloa-Aravaca district, has sent a statement to families today to notify that “during the dining room service, worms in the brown rice have been detected in four trays.” Faced with this reality, the writing continues, “the trays have been removed and what happened has been investigated.”

According to the center’s management, “this problem has only been found in one of the packages that have been served to fourth-grade students, but it has been decided to give another option at that time for the rest of the students.” The educational center assures families that “an investigation will be carried out on the traceability of the batch of that package of rice with an expiration date of July 2024.” In the same text they apologize and stress that “any incident that occurs in the dining room service” will be reported. In addition, it is emphasized that we will work “in collaboration with the dining company to prevent this incident from happening again.”

The families of the affected schools wonder where the inspectors are and urge the Community of Madrid to do its job to avoid problems of this type in educational centers.