Once Pedro Sánchez has achieved the investiture with the support of the PSOE, Sumar, ERC, Junts, PNB, BNG, Canary Coalition and Bildu, a new legislature opens, which will have as one of its main objectives to launch the political mechanisms and legal measures necessary to ensure that the proposed amnesty law presented by the PSOE is approved and legally endorsed. Once the scope of the law has been known, which affects both legal and symbolic, political and social aspects, it will be possible to verify whether it can continue its course and be implemented. Now it is up to the State to decide whether it limits itself to looking at what is happening, understanding that it does not affect it or, on the contrary, decides to intervene so as not to put its functions and integrity at risk.

The political vision that the State forgives but does not ask for forgiveness cements much of the rejection of the amnesty pronounced by the PP and Vox. Both parties argue that the Government, with Sánchez at the helm, is what has led to the defeat of the State against the independence movement and, therefore, they demand that action be taken to defend and preserve the equality of all Spaniards before the law. Their conception of the State is not limited to the proper functioning of the institutions and compliance with the Constitution, but rather they try to confuse it with the defense of the nation, the people, society and the monarchy to ensure that the struggle against the amnesty leads to more citizen mobilizations.

The PP must avoid falling into Vox’s strategy, which seeks to exploit the national myth so that citizens rise up against those who insult the nation and want it defeated, since the amnesty is not about the self-esteem of the Spanish people. The amnesty proposition is about those people who broke the law to achieve their political objectives and are forgiven so that they can continue trying but now complying with the Constitution. Norberto Bobbio said that “you can only talk about politics if you keep a cold eye on history.” Only in this way can excesses of rhetoric be avoided and thus be able to criticize and combat the amnesty proposal from reason and not from emotions.