The Škoda Titan Desert Morocco was born in 2006 with the aim of being the Dakar of bicycles. A unique, demanding, hard and transformative adventure. In its almost two decades of existence, some 5,000 runners have known its deserts, its haimas and its platoon of Titans. And all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, have come out different from the experience.

Over the years, the race has gained popularity, almost becoming an idea with its own entity. “I propose to be a Titan” is a phrase that is often heard among participants in the Moroccan race.

Through three very different stories, you can learn how a mountainbike race has changed the lives of three people: Joan, Alejandra and Micha?.

Joan is a 70-year-old person for whom the bicycle is his life. He is a clear example of living cycling. Someone who does not want to let the years pass, who sets out to achieve his goals right now. Even his wife recognizes that it is impossible to get him off the bike because that is where he truly enjoys it.

A successful manager, with a work life that takes up a lot of time in her life and prevents her from training as much as she would like. Alejandra has already participated in the test once, but she has not managed to finish it. It doesn’t matter, she’s going to be a Titan. She is absolutely committed to achieving that goal and we know, she knows, that she will end up being that way.

Micha? comes from Poland. He has a family, a son and his own business. Still, he makes time to train every day. What was born as a dream, being a Titan, is now part of his life. Micha? is already a Titan Legend, a category he achieves after having completed more than 3,500 kilometers in Titan World Series tests.