Some 170,000 people – according to data from the Government Delegation – participated this Saturday in Madrid’s Plaza de Cibeles in the protest rally against the amnesty law organized by civil society organizations Under the motto “Not in my name: nor amnesty nor self-determination”. The organizers, for their part, raise the participation figure to one million people.

The rally began after 12:00 noon amid shouts of “Pedro Sánchez to prison”, “He is not a president, he is a criminal” or “Sánchez, a traitor and liar”.

Among those who have attended the protest is the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who has asked Pedro Sánchez “not to build walls” or “play with coexistence.” “Do not put pressure on society, let’s return to common sense, to the Constitution, to the division of powers and to respect for judicial independence,” he demanded.

The leader of the PP has stressed that “it is one thing to have the power and another to be right. It is one thing to have obtained enough deputies, but they know that they do not have the votes to do what they are doing.”

He believes that “we are in a difficult moment for democracy” and has accused Sánchez of committing “a fraud” and “an outrage” with the amnesty law proposal registered in Congress and which has allowed him to be sworn in as president of the Government.

The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has also denounced that the amnesty law is the “consummation” of a coup d’état that has already begun with the pact of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, with “all the enemies of Spain.” .

“In the face of this, we cannot consider the battle lost,” said Abascal, who has urged “continuing to resist” through a “coordinated institutional response” in those regions without a “coup majority”, as well as in the Senate.

For her part, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has warned of the “irreversible damage” that is being generated in Spain with the creation of two sides and the pointing out to the judges and has accused the Government of exercising a ” intolerable abuse of power.”