The Judges for Democracy association (JpD) has warned that the concentrations that have been called in front of judicial headquarters to protest against the agreement between PSOE and Junts due to the reference to “lawfare” or judicialization of politics “can affect the image of independence and neutrality of the Judiciary, which should be removed from political conflict”.

In a statement, the progressive association of judges refers to “the concentrations that are being called in front of the judicial headquarters”, such as those held last Tuesday in Seville, Cádiz, Huelva, Jaén and Salamanca, in which there were about 800 judges.

“These are acts that, given the current context, can affect the image of independence and neutrality of the Judiciary, which should be far from political conflict,” says Judges for Democracy.

He highlights that “both the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional Court, the Bangalore principles on judicial conduct and the opinions of the Judicial Ethics Commission, insist that as important as the value of judicial independence itself, is the appearance of such and impartiality that the judiciary must transmit.

“We consider that the concentrations that are being held may damage that image of neutrality and impartiality, mixing the judiciary in a context of partisan confrontation in which it should not participate, which is why our association will not take part in them,” he concludes. .

On November 9, the four judicial associations with the most representation, including Judges for Democracy, published a joint statement in which they showed their rejection of the “lawfare” that included the pact signed between PSOE and Junts, as it could involve “interference in judicial independence” and the “breakdown of the separation of powers”.