* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

From the high vantage point of Vallvidrera, the camera lenses capture an exceptional phenomenon that dyes the sky of Barcelona with magical tones, as we see in The Readers’ Photos of La Vanguardia.

Fixing your gaze on the majestic mountain of Montjuïc, a splendid sunrise unfolds before the viewer, where the clear sky is impregnated with golden tones while the sun rises gracefully above the horizon.

In the opposite direction, towards the sea, a surreal scene is revealed. A tide of clouds seems to devour the view of the Merchant Port of Barcelona, ??giving the impression that the ships docked in front of the coast are submerged in an ethereal ocean. A sea of ??clouds about to engulf them. This unique vision gives the city a mystical and almost dreamlike atmosphere.

Among the shadows of the clouds, the silhouette of a plane about to touch down stands out. Their presence adds a touch of dynamism to the static scene, reminding us that life and movement persist even in the midst of this unusual natural spectacle.

These photographs, beyond their impressive visual beauty, capture the duality of nature and the city, where the everyday mixes with the extraordinary. The sunrise from the Vallvidrera watchtower thus becomes a canvas where nature and architecture coexist, weaving a visual story that leaves a lasting mark on the viewer’s mind.