The CC.OO union. has called a strike in all Amazon workplaces in Spain for November 27, Cyber ??Monday, and November 28, as announced in a statement this Monday. The protest will consist of strikes of one hour per shift, Europa Press reports, and will coincide with one of the company’s busiest days after exposing on several occasions the problems that lead to the protest “without having any exit in sight despite of the various solutions that we have proposed”.

The workers thus want to highlight the “insufficient protection of staff health”, especially due to the company’s lack of recognition of the “presumption of employment” in health damages suffered at work, with an accident management system. and incidents that “are hiding possible failures in security measures.”

There is also a protest about “the lack of resources to address our various claims” such as failures to collect payroll, lack of clarity in payroll concepts, difficulty in managing leave or errors in vacation management. “The local human resources departments of each center increasingly have fewer resources necessary to correctly carry out their mission and, in addition, the outsourcing of several of their processes has significantly impoverished and worsened support,” it is criticized.

Finally, insufficient salaries are reported. “Amazon pays the minimum wages of the sector in each province, for the majority of our population” and the improvements offered “in no case compensate for what it demands of us every day,” the statement continues.

The union opens itself to an act of mediation before the SIMA organization in order to avoid the strike.