For Ciudadanos, democratic normality requires that the administration of justice, for the sake of the separation of powers, continue with the investigation into the attempted “political destabilization” carried out by Tsunami Democràtic by promoting a series of “public disorders” that should not remain unpunished.

This has been stated by the leader of Ciudadanos in the Parliament, Carlos Carrizosa, who has supported the decision of the judge of the National Court Manuel García-Castellón to submit to the Supreme Court the file against Carles Puigdemont and Marta Rovira for their alleged connection with Tsunami Democràtic taking into account the status of the former president, who is currently a MEP.

For Carrizosa, the amnesty law that has been accepted for processing today by the Congressional Board aims to “shed light” on what happened with Tsunami Democràtic, which promoted citizen protests in Catalonia following the sentence that condemned the leaders of the process to high prison sentences in 2019, and annul the ongoing judicial investigation.

“We have the right to know the truth,” exclaimed the leader of Citizens in Parliament. “When he returns, Puigdemont will always be haunted by what he did,” added Carrizosa, for whom the PSOE investiture agreement with Junts aims to “politically whitewash” the former president of the Generalitat, established in Brussels since 2017.

“Ciudadanos will always ensure that this is not forgotten,” said the president of Ciudadanos in Catalonia, who added that Puigdemont, whom he described as “shadow minister” of the new Pedro Sánchez Government, will have to give “explanations.” “, without going into assessing whether, as indicated in the preliminary qualification of García-Castellón’s accusation, it cannot be ruled out that the facts related to Tsunami Democràtic constitute a crime of terrorism.

Carrizosa has also referred to the debate that the European Parliament will host tomorrow, Wednesday, at the request of his group, Renew Europe, as he claimed, on the situation of the rule of law in Spain, in which Ciudadanos will ask Europe to “get wet” facing a situation comparable, in his opinion, to those that have occurred in Poland or Hungary.

With this initiative in the European Parliament, Carrizosa has indicated, what Ciudadanos intends is for Spain to rectify: “That it does not make us suffer the shame of other countries for not respecting democratic rules,” he argued before a debate in which the secretary general of the party, MEP Adrián Vázquez, will defend, as he declared this Tuesday in Brussels, that the investiture pact between PSOE and Junts “defeats the rule of law.”