The Senate has rejected by an overwhelming majority Vox’s claim to initiate procedures for the illegalization of Junts and ERC, “two separatist parties whose ties to the street terrorism of the Tsunami Democràtic or the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) “has led the leader of Junts, the escaped Carles Puigdemont, to be charged with terrorism,” according to Senator Paloma Gómez in plenary.

The debate, which reproduced the approaches that Abascal’s party maintains regarding the Catalan independence movement, became a series of reproaches from Vox towards the PP, for not supporting its initiative, since if the popular party had supported the claims of the far-right party , these would have had a sufficient majority to move forward.

However, the PP rejected the measure because it considered that “the dissolution of a political party is one of the most serious measures that can be adopted in democracy” and that “political pluralism is a superior value of our system.” Furthermore, the PP reproached Vox for saying that there is “not a single firm ruling that supports the intended action”, since the accusations of terrorism of the procés against Marta Rovira (ERC) or Carles Puigdemont (Junts) have not been tried, although have been raised by the instructor of the case.

In addition to the objective reasons, the PP believes that the approach is a way to get its head in a dispute over the prominence of the rejection of the amnesty, after the PP has led the largest mobilizations to oppose the pardon of the independentists for crimes. that they have been accused of by the process. “Why are you bringing this debate to the House today? “They bring him in in search of a forced role, a speaker that makes them appear to be the greatest defenders of Spain, mainly against the PP,” said PP spokesperson Yolanda Ibarrola, who stressed that Vox “is confused by its actions,” because, at In the end, “the one who ends up benefiting is Pedro Sánchez and his partners.” The PP’s alternative to Vox’s request is to do in the Senate “everything that can be done by law to stop the tyrannical drift of the Government”, but “with responsibility, seriousness and forcefulness, since it does not stop a Government willing to do anything.” with a press release, a tweet, or proposing the impossible.”

Vox had asked the PP for “sensibility and common sense” to confront the Government’s drift and reproached it for making the wrong enemy, because it is the independentists who must be fought. Vox senator Paloma Gómez defended the illegalization of secessionist parties, in accordance with article 9 of the Party Law, which states that a political party will be declared illegal when its activity violates democratic principles, particularly when it wants to deteriorate. or destroy the regime of freedoms, or make impossible or eliminate the democratic system through illicit and illegal conduct, carried out repeatedly and seriously.

Gómez recalled that the actions carried out during Operation Judas and the assault on the El Prat airport and the blockade of the La Jonquera border crossing, carried out by the Democratic Tsunami, “we cannot allow political parties to exist that serve as protection, impulse for terrorists and that give support or complement him in his political activity.”

They are facts, however, the Vox spokesperson reminded the PP, that “they will be erased by the amnesty agreed with the socialist group in exchange for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez,” which is why millions of Spaniards, she said, are demonstrating in the street.

The PP was not Vox’s only objective. Paloma Gómez pointed out the PSOE for its “mistake” in trying to “convince and demonstrate that the situation in which we find ourselves today, and which you have given rise to by putting criminals in the Government, has led us to the abyss, is normal.” , and invited them to reflect: “Do not deceive yourselves or try to deceive us or the citizens,” among other things, because they are endorsing the actions of Carles Puigdemont, who is accused of “terrorism, aggravated embezzlement, money laundering.” of capital, accounting responsibility, usurpation of public functions, counterfeiting, drug trafficking.”

In the debate, the PSOE has addressed the PP and not Vox, author of the initiative, to warn those of Feijóo about the danger of the “spiral of hate”, for which they asked the PP to return to the “path of democracy and common sense”, despite the fact that the PP had announced its rejection of the Vox initiative. For the socialists, “it is very dangerous to maintain that Spain is a dictatorship or that they are going to return blow for blow”, in reference to words spoken by Isabel Díaz Ayuso in recent weeks, while urging the popular ones to put up a cordon healthcare to “the extreme right.”

For its part, Junts has presented a motion to suppress the Vox initiative in its entirety, describing the proposal as an “offense” to citizens for being a “personal appreciation more typical of a bar counter than the Senate.” Junts defended itself, and its spokesperson, Josep Lluís Cleries, stressed that “it has never given support to any terrorist act”, which is why it considers that the motion is “an expression of hatred” towards “democratic, peaceful and regular” political formations. .

ERC did not present any amendment to Vox’s motion, but rejected the initiative as “unworthy” and for going against democracy. “They don’t defeat us at the polls and that’s why they want to eliminate us from the political map,” said ERC spokesperson in the Upper House, Sara Bailac.