PP and PSOE bring closer positions on an issue that is of great concern to Spanish families: the use of new technologies among children and young people.

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has announced that she will support the commission on the impact of new technologies and social networks on children that the PSOE has proposed in the Madrid Assembly. “I find it very interesting,” said the regional leader.

The Socialist parliamentary group proposed this Monday the creation of this commission and estimated that there are 700,000 families who have children between 5 and 12 years old who are “influencing their daily lives in an enormous way” by these technologies. The objective is for experts and organizations that can help set criteria to come to the Regional Chamber over the course of three months.

Although it is an issue without ideology, it is a rapprochement between the PP and the PSOE in the Community of Madrid. The PP will score the goal of the protocol and the PSOE that of the Commission. A few days ago, Ayuso’s party approved the creation of an action protocol in schools and institutes, but since the PSOE does not want to be left behind in this matter, it has proposed the creation of the aforementioned commission.

During the plenary session of the regional Chamber, in the control session, the PSOE spokesperson in the Assembly, Juan Lobato, maintained that it is not enough for him that the president has presented a protocol on the matter. He has called on her to discuss with parents, teachers, psychologists and psychiatrists “whether or not mobile phones should exist in schools and institutes in Madrid” or what uses they should be given to avoid pornography or sexist violence behaviors.

“I know that this question is difficult and complicated but I think it is time for us to assume it and once and for all take this challenge seriously in the Community,” he continued.

For her part, the Madrid president, after stating that she agrees with this commission, recalled that it was she who, in the meeting they held at the beginning of the first period of sessions, conveyed the situation of youth in Spain and Madrid.

“How much time did I spend in my speech and my meeting with you, personally, to tell you how much time we were working and concerned about an issue that concerns us all? I told you that I would be in favor of doing everything possible with “a scourge that affects the young people and children of Madrid,” he went on to say, while asking the socialist to “not politicize” this matter and to work on it “among all of us” because it is something that worries him. .

It is not ruled out that Más Madrid and Vox join this initiative due to the high pressure that is being produced on social networks to legislate on this matter from a social initiative that emerged in Barcelona.