The parenting responsibilities of parents towards their children concentrate a whole series of aspects that are very different from each other and that, all together, will determine to a large extent the skills and abilities that the child will have to face their future adult life. Many of them have to do with functional issues, but others are focused on being helpful on a psychological and emotional level, for example, teaching children to learn from their mistakes. Guiding them on these types of issues will allow them to function in their daily lives, for example, when it comes to setting emotional limits for others.

What is known as emotional limits are those barriers that are erected as a form of self-respect and self-care, as explained by psychologist Rut López. It is important that children learn to prioritize their own needs and protect their emotional safety. This, adds the specialist, will allow them to create healthy relationships with the rest of the people around them. For all these reasons, emotional limits are so important, although it is not always easy to remain faithful to them. This is the main reason why it is advisable to teach children from a young age to establish them.

The fear of conflict, of feeling guilty, of harming another person or even of appearing selfish or being rejected are some common reasons why people are afraid to set limits, indicates Rut López. But this does not have to be the case as long as children are educated correctly.