Agents from the Information Headquarters of the Civil Guard, in an anti-terrorism operation coordinated from the National Court, have arrested two suspected highly radicalized jihadists in the province of Malaga, according to police sources told La Vanguardia. The two arrested are of Brazilian origin.

From the Armed Institute they report that the operation against jihadist terrorism carried out last weekend in the Andalusian province is not closed, so more arrests are not ruled out. The two arrested are expected to be brought to justice in the next few hours for an alleged crime of self-indoctrination.

This is the second operation against jihadist terrorism in Andalusia in less than a week. Last week, the General Information Commissariat of the National Police arrested a person in Níjar (Almería) for his alleged relationship with crimes of self-indoctrination and terrorist glorification. According to the investigation, the arrested person began a radicalization process from social networks, where he continuously accessed DAESH indoctrinating and training audiovisual material, as well as other highly violent related content.

The detainee not only consumed this material but subsequently disseminated it massively through his profiles. During the search of his home, the agents seized different computer and telephone material that is being analyzed.