An oversight during a walk without him on a leash. A door to the house that is left open. The dog’s desire to explore and sniff all the corners it wants. A noise or another animal that has caught his attention and made him run to another point. There are many reasons behind a lost pet case. However, what they usually have in common is the anguish of their owners at not being able to find them. After all, no one really knows what to do if their dog gets lost until they find themselves in that situation.

In this type of situation, the most important thing will always be to stay calm, since getting carried away by nerves and stress will only waste valuable time and not have a clear mind to make the right decisions. In the case of a lost animal, it is essential to carry out a series of actions.

If the dog or cat in the house has escaped and there is no way to find it, it is advisable not to lose hope or calm. You will have to know what to do and act quickly to put all available mechanisms in place as soon as possible, this will increase the chances of finding it.