The new spokesman for the PP in Congress, Miguel Tellado, has made his debut in different media and has revealed, with his interventions, the type of opposition for which he has been appointed, making good interpretations of his strong hand and verb. firm that accompanied his appointment.

Tellado, who was persecuted in his appointment by the statement he made two weeks ago, at a press conference in Genoa, that Pedro Sánchez “should leave Spain in a trunk”, alluding to the way in which the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, who fled from Justice until arriving in Brussels, agreed to “withdraw” the phrase, but to explain what he meant and analyze the work of the Government, he used even harsher and more disqualifying words from the President of the Government.

If on RNE Tellado stated that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has become “anti-system”, on Antena3 he stressed that the Executive “is controlled from Brussels, by Puigdemont, where he has to go once a month to seal the primer”, and on Telecinco he spoke of the PSOE being exercising “political thuggery”.

The new PP spokesperson acknowledged that his phrase about the trunk “may sound regular, and I may be willing to withdraw it, but Pedro Sánchez became president through a great electoral fraud,” because he has been elected doing the opposite of what he said. , he stated, referring to the amnesty, which until the elections he maintained was unconstitutional.

Tellado was surprised that his statements are described as harsh, and the PSOE puts its hands on its head, “when we have all been able to verify the political thuggery of Óscar Puente, with insults inappropriate for a political leader.” In his opinion, the style that Puente debuted in the investiture session of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has spread and today the PSOE is installed in “political thuggery.”

The popular spokesperson rejected the harsh label they gave him and assured that “what is happening in Spain is harsh” with a Government that is negotiating abroad with a fugitive from justice and changing the law so that those who carried out a coup d’état They can get rid of everything.”

Miguel Tellado assured that the opposition that the PP will exercise will be “solid, forceful and serene, but without losing form, education, or respect,” because the PP, he said, wants to represent “that constitutional majority” that exists in Spain and that it has been left “orphaned” with the drift of Pedro Sánchez, willing to give in everything to be president, he assured.

The popular spokesperson indicated that the PP “activists in constitutionalism, at a time when it is being attacked by the Government of Spain”, and that is why it has become “the only reference that exists today” of that constitutionalism. The PP represents, he said, “a majority of Spaniards who are outraged” and that is why “the street is filled with people every time we call them,” as will happen again on Sunday, in an event called in the park. of the Debod Temple, very close to the PSOE headquarters, but which the PP has used on numerous occasions, especially at end-of-campaign events, both in Madrid and during general elections.

For Tellado, “democracy is threatened by the Government” in Spain, but also that “a terrorist organization congratulates the president of the Spanish Government” gives “an image of the country that does not represent us.” In his opinion, the Government maintains a position of “colonization of the powers of the state and politicization of all spheres” that the PP rejects.