* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

These days, we have seen the moon on its way to full and once it is already full, having Jupiter in conjunction. We can follow this evolution in this series of photographs in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos.

Conjunction is one of the main aspects of the planets. It is also applicable to any celestial object that is located visually close to another. Two stars are in conjunction when, observed from a third (generally the Earth), they are at the same celestial longitude.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, 318 times larger than Earth. It is also the oldest planet in the solar system and also older than the sun. It is a massive gaseous body, made up mainly of hydrogen and helium.

First, Jupiter was below and the moon was accompanied by a corona due to thin clouds.

The night after they were perpendicular with Jupiter to the right.

Last night Jupiter was more separated and just where the lunar halo with the thin clouds was produced, it can be seen in the upper right.

Today the moon begins its waning phase and Jupiter has already separated. It is divorce until a new conjunction.