The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has indicated in his speech that the Valencian Community is willing to be a “reference of generosity, good sense and wealth creation” to contribute to the development of Spain as a whole. This was stated during his speech at the Jaume I Awards ceremony, which was chaired by His Majesty the King, Felipe VI, in which he advocated conveying to the citizens and the closest international environment “a message of serenity, of institutional sense and of the height of State.”

“It is not about going further – he added – but about guaranteeing that the destination is better” and to this end he has insisted that “there should be no territories that are left behind.” As he explained, “the prosperity of the Valencian Community will never be complete if it is not the prosperity of Murcia, Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Aragon and Catalonia” and he reiterated that “it is not worth winning if it does not translate in a fairer and more equitable future.”

For this reason, Mazón has shown the commitment of the Valencian Community to maintaining “serenity and dialogue” and has insisted that “we will never renounce that vision of common development.”

He has also defended the search for “union points” to be “stronger” and has assured that “Spain is a common project in which walking together is essential.” Likewise, he has referred to the unity represented by the figure of His Majesty the King, “a symbol of stability that will always find among Valencians the most heartfelt affection and the most sincere gratitude.”

The head of the Consell has assured that the Valencian Community has “unique conditions, resources and people to be among the most competitive regions in Europe”, due to the “enterprising and open” character of the Valencians and their concern to “seek further, for collaborate with others, to trade and cross seas and break barriers.”

Likewise, he has pointed out the commitment to knowledge and innovation as a “cross-cutting axis of the future strategy” for any territory that wants to “compete for economic and social leadership”, which is why he has highlighted the need to promote the leadership of “ those who provide the knowledge.”

The president also recalled the figure of Professor Santiago Grisolía, his career and commitment to society, as well as his contribution to the recognition of those who dedicate their lives to improving society through the creation of the Rei Jaume I Awards.

Likewise, he highlighted the generosity of those awarded these awards, whom he described as “agents of change”, given their contribution to “better-informed and more considered” decision-making by public authorities.

In reference to the different award-winning modalities, Carlos Mazón has pointed out the connection between the environment, health, the economy and equality, and has shown his commitment to the development of new medical technologies to improve health care, as well as the generation of new energies, to fight against climate change and “stop its impact on health, the economy and equality.”