Everyone held there should be transferred immediately, according to a Friday report by the federal watchdog.

The Department of Homeland Security Inspector general made this unusually harsh recommendation. It was based on an unannounced February inspection of the Torrance County Detention Facility, Estancia, New Mexico. This facility is one of many that are under contract to U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

CoreCivic, which owns and operates the jail and ICE, deny the findings.

According to the report, DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari issued what is known as a management advisory to the immigration agency. It was based on “egregious circumstances.”

It stated that ICE must immediately take action to address critical staffing shortages and unsafe living conditions, which have resulted in health and safety concerns for Torrance detainees.

According to the report, ICE should “immediately move” all those held in that area.

Torrance is one of the 130 detention centers used by ICE to house migrants while their immigration cases undergo review. However, in many cases, it allows people to remain at liberty under surveillance.

CoreCivic is based in Tennessee and receives approximately $2 million per month from Torrance’s government, according to the report.

There were approximately 176 men there at the time of inspection.

The jail has been the scene of many disturbances. One was a November 2000 rebellion in which prisoners took prison staff hostage. Two of the eight guards who were involved in the incident sustained serious injuries. It is a significant source of income and jobs in rural counties.

The IG discovered that guards couldn’t adequately supervise and monitor prisoners due to insufficient staff levels and blind spots below stairwells and other areas of the facility. It can hold approximately 700 people.

CoreCivic, which runs the jail under a contract from ICE, disputed these findings and accused OIG de misrepresenting evidence. It demanded a review by the inspectors.

In a letter addressed to the director at ICE, a company lawyer criticized the report. According to the company lawyer, photos of blocked toilets and sinks were taken in vacant housing units. Floors depicted as being wet were actually in the process of being cleaned out by detainees.

CoreCivic also accused inspectors of taking a photograph of a detainee using an utility sink to get water, according the letter.

Steve Owen, a spokesman for the company, stated in an email to The Associated Press that “This deliberate attempt to falsely portray this company and this facility is even more disturbing because they were done under legitimate oversight.”

CoreCivic was supported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who claimed that the inspector general “ignored facts in order to reach preconceived conclusions.”

DHS, the agency that oversees immigration, terminated contracts with two private Georgia detention facilities and one operated by Massachusetts local government agencies. This was due to conditions regarding migrant detainees.

Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS Secretary, told reporters that the agency is undertaking a wide-ranging review of detention facilities. He stated that the agency will not tolerate any mistreatment of detainees or conditions that are not in line with our standards.