Although the Metropolitan Police force stated Tuesday that it would not identify the recipients, Johnson’s office claimed it would disclose if he does.

Johnson’s opponents and members of the ruling Conservative Party have suggested that Johnson should resign if he receives a fine for violating rules he set during the pandemic.

Johnson’s tenure was on a knife edge before Russia launched a war against Ukraine more than a year ago. This gave Britain’s politicians greater priorities and made the scandal disappear from the headlines.

The police continue to investigate dozens of politicians, officials and others over claims that the government violated pandemic restrictions. As part of the investigation, officers sent questionnaires out to over 100 people, including Prime Minister, and interviewed witnesses.

The police confirmed that 20 fines had been authorized. They also stated that officers were reviewing a large amount of investigative material and could be penalized later.

Johnson’s government was rocked by public outrage over the revelations that his staff hosted “bring your booze” office parties and birthday celebrations in 2020 and 2021, while millions of Brits were prevented from meeting friends and family due to his COVID-19 restrictions. For their rule-breaking social gatherings, thousands were fined by police between 60 and 10,000 pounds ($799).

Johnson denied any wrongdoing but is being investigated by police for allegedly attending several events at his Downing Street office as well as other government buildings. Johnson admitted to having attended a “bring-your-own booze” party at Downing Street’s garden in May 2020, during the first lockdown. However, he maintained that it was a work event.

Sue Gray, a civil servant, published a January report on some gatherings. She stated that Johnson’s government’s “failures in leadership and judgment” allowed for events that were not necessary.

Angela Rayner (Deputy Leader of the Opposition Labour Party) said that the party revelations were “a slap on the face” for millions who had complied with the national coronavirus restrictions.

She stated that “the culture is set at the top.” “The blame lies with the prime minister. He spent months lying to the British people, and he needs to go.”

Hannah Brady, spokeswoman for COVID-1919 Bereaved Families for Justice said Johnson “should’ve resigned months before this.”

She said, “By dragging the matter out longer, all that he does is add salt to the wounds of those already suffering so much,”

Max Blain, Johnson’s spokesperson, declined to comment on whether the prime minister would resign if he was fined.

He said, “It’s just a hypothetical situation.”