Elon Musk doesn’t want free X for anyone. The social network formerly known as Twitter has confirmed the launch of a new plan aimed at charging its new users. It will be done through a new type of subscription that will cost one dollar a year and will be the only way to publish messages on the platform. Whoever does not pay will only be able to read messages.

Under the name ‘Not a bot’, this type of service will be a verification that the account owner is human and will work with a symbolic payment of one dollar a year, a strategy that the social network owned by Elon Musk is already starting. to operate in New Zealand and the Philippines.

From Musk already suggested a month ago that this was going to happen soon.

“This will evaluate a potentially forceful measure to help us combat bots and spammers on and not write.

Basically, the plan foresees that new users will have to verify their phone number and pay the one dollar fee if they want to use basic functions such as tweets, retweets, favorites and likes, leaving the free version with very limited functions.

For now, X assures that the rates will not apply to current users and will only be for new accounts, although they insist that “subscription options have proven to be the main solution that works at scale.”