Suika Game or the watermelon game, this name will surely sound familiar to you if you are regulars on the Twitch live streaming platform. For a few days now, great content creators like Rubius, Ibai or Luzu have been playing this curious version of Tetris but with fruits. So, if you have heard about this game, but you don’t really know what it is about, we will tell you.

This watermelon game is not new. It was originally released in December 2021 for Nintendo Switch, although only in Japan. And last October it was published on the Nintendo eShop in the rest of the world. But the story of Suika still goes a little further, since it began as a browser game developed in China and published in January 2021.

The operation is very simple: it is an evolution of the classic Tetris. In the center of the screen there is a rectangle through which fruits of different sizes fall. When you put two identical fruits together, they merge and create a new, larger fruit. The objective is to accumulate points and the game ends when the pile of fruits reaches the top of the rectangle.

Also, like in Tetris, players can see what type of fruit is going to come out next, and so they can make strategic decisions. It is very satisfying to put two fruits together and create a chain reaction that clears the screen and raises the score. A bit like Candy Crush, another inspiration that can also be seen in the soundtrack, very calm and catchy.

Suika’s fashion follows in the footsteps of games like Among Us, Fall Guys or Only Up. Although, in this case, it started a few months ago in Japan and little by little it has been expanding to the rest of the world. This evolution is understandable, since the game’s development studio, which is called Aladdin X, is based in Japan.

To enjoy the best experience, it is best to purchase the game for Nintendo Switch. It has a price of 2.99 euros and is the most complete version. Another option is to play the free version through the browser, although it is a simpler version and works worse.

Finally, those who want to enjoy the best experience but do not have the Nintendo hybrid console, can wait until November 30 and purchase Suika for PC on Steam.