What is and how does the 'smart charging' option of your smartphone work?

Smartphones evolve as time goes by and one of the latest advances that have been implemented has a lot to do with trying to extend the useful life of the terminal.

This useful life depends on many factors but above all on the use that is given to the device. Optimizing and taking care of aspects such as battery performance and internal storage is essential. Some technology experts have provided some advice so that the battery of the devices lasts longer in good condition.

A common practice among users is to leave the mobile charging for hours or use it while it is charging. This means that, over time, the performance of the battery is impaired.

To prevent this, various brands of mobile phones have a special feature called ‘smart charging’ or ‘optimized charging’. It is intended for those who leave their device charging before going to bed, and it is one of the measures taken by the developers to increase the useful life of the device.

This consists of the ‘smartphone’ operating system learning the sleep habits of its owner, recording what time he usually goes to bed and gets up each day. Once this information is assimilated, the battery of the phone in question would stop charging shortly before the person wakes up in the morning, finishing the charge in those last moments. The ultimate goal of this functionality is to prevent the device from spending several hours in a row with a full charge level, something that would increase the wear on your battery.

This intelligent management is commanded by artificial intelligence, capable of establishing a relationship between your habits of charging the mobile and general settings, such as the alarm clock, time zone and other configuration information. In this way, the system can intelligently manage the state of charge.

The power management feature is enabled by default, and some features cannot be disabled. For those who can disable it, it is advisable to have it always active for better overall performance.

In addition, this functionality does not increase energy consumption either, and of course it does not worsen battery life. It must be remembered that its purpose is to slow down its aging, so it should not affect its level of consumption or its autonomy.

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