First it was cash, then cards and, now, making mobile payments is a feature that is the order of the day. Even in those stores and establishments that are in places with difficult coverage, it is possible to pay safely and without contact through your smartphone. To use your mobile phone as the ideal substitute for your debit or credit card during your vacation in the mountains, you only need to download and previously configure one of the many applications available on the market that work thanks to Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. .

Most banking applications, as well as the services that congregate your cards virtually on your device, use NFC, through a chip on your device that is used to communicate with point-of-sale terminals (POS) in real time. Below, we show you some of the most popular apps of this type that work without an Internet connection.

iOS users, both mobile and wearable, can use this integrated functionality to make payments in physical stores. Apple Pay, which works through the Wallet application, allows you to add your credit and debit cards to your devices. Once configured, you must authenticate yourself using Touch ID, Face ID or your code (for which you will need a connection).

How could it be otherwise, the technology giant has its own payment service, available for Android devices. To use Google Pay, simply download the app from the Play Store, add a card and activate NFC on your phone. You will have everything ready to start shopping both in physical and virtual stores without having to connect to the network. Just bring the back of the mobile closer to the POS until it detects it!

Samsung Wallet is the application designed specifically for devices from the South Korean firm, which stands as the great alternative to Google Pay. The big difference is that in addition to NFC, this app uses Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) technology that makes Samsung devices work like a magnetic card.

Like its competitor Google Pay, almost all banks are compatible with the Samsung Wallet service. Add your cards, et voilĂ ! Start paying at any establishment without worrying about coverage.

This free app available for Android and iOS devices is available in more than 180 countries. You can link Skrill to your account or bank cards to make and receive payments instantly. In addition, you can make purchases with more than 40 currencies, so it can be a very interesting alternative for your trips abroad.