The second-hand market is experiencing a new golden age thanks to the emergence of applications for buying and selling used objects on mobile phones. All kinds of products are sold on platforms like Wallapop, ranging from pieces of clothing to vehicles.

With the idea of ​​adapting this model to the needs of the livestock world, Vacapop was born. An application that is sweeping the primary sector. The idea was born in Asturias, specifically in Pola de Lena. “We are from this area and we saw the real need among the neighbors. In the end, if you are from a rural environment or you come from a family of ranchers, you directly have that sensitivity”, explained the CEO of the company, Marta González.

The initiative, which adapts the Wallapop model to the sale of cattle, came to light in 2020, after a long process of studying the needs of the sector through field work. “Internet searches for animals were not fruitful. The information was out of order. We decided to get our act together and develop a really useful platform. I believe that part of the success is that the farmers have always collaborated”, González explained in statements to La Voz de Galicia.

This free application is being a resounding success. It accumulates more than 42,000 downloads and channels an average of 300 sales a day in multiple communities such as Asturias, Galicia, Andalusia or the Basque Country. “Livestock must be given tools to have a greater reach. That is also giving it to the rural environment”, says the young CEO of Vacapop.

For Marta González, this application is the clear example that the classic sambenito that indicates that rural life or the primary sector and technology do not understand each other is a myth. “Everybody wants the best of technology and in these small places too. Did you know? I live in a village of 30 people, I have mares and I have them located in the bush by GPS. I also have cameras with which I have monitored the births, ”she claims.

The application is designed for individuals, although large farmers can also use it. “Whoever wishes, publishes their ad and those interested contact the seller through an internal chat,” explains González. The platform does not take any percentage of the sales, since its business model is based on the providers that want to advertise in the application.

The best-selling animals in the application are cows and horses, while the communities in which the platform is most widespread are Galicia and Asturias.