A month ago, the EU issued a serious warning to Elon Musk: “X is the biggest source of fake news,” said Vera Jourova, vice president of the European Commission. Since then, a war has started in the Middle East, something that has only increased the authorities’ concern about the danger of misinformation on social media. In this context, Elon Musk has had no choice but to react. And he did just that this weekend with a tweet in which he announced that posts corrected by Community Notes, X’s community-driven fact-checking feature, “will not be eligible for revenue sharing.”

The objective of this measure, according to Musk’s message, is to “stop the flow of misinformation and sensationalism” on his social network. Community notes are notices that fact-checkers in the X community include to add context to posts they believe are misleading or inaccurate. This same weekend it happened with a tweet published by Gerard Piqué:

Although the purpose of the change is to improve the credibility of the content published on X, not everyone views the new rule favorably. There are users who criticize that the same standard is applied to publications that contain false information as to messages that simply need some context.

Other users add that some of the Community Notes notices refer to memes, published by accounts that monetize their online presence through satirical videos that are clearly that, satire, not false information, and that do not need to be “contextualized.” .

Most reactions, however, are favorable to the measure. In any case, the selfless work of the X community does not seem in any case sufficient to cover the entire spectrum of false information that is spread on the social network. The majority opinion of experts and users is that the number of hoaxes and artificial controversies will possibly be reduced, but in no case will they disappear completely.