There is still a market for tablets. They work very well to see some of our favorite movies in large size and quality, read the magazines to which we subscribe, even work and carry out personal projects. Of course, not all serve the same and for all needs. What do we have to look for when buying a tablet in 2023?

If we had to stay with just one piece of advice, this would be the most important. And it is that nothing is going to condition both the choice of a tablet in 2023 and the use that we are going to give it. What do you want the tablet for? Leisure or work? What job, is it simple or requires great power? The use that we give to the tablet will largely determine how expensive it can cost you. If you want a tablet to work on video editing or similar tasks that require great efficiency, prepare your wallet.

The tablet that you are going to buy this year, who is it for, for you or for your child or a young relative? You should know that there are specific models for the little ones that are built with thicker materials. And, after all, the child does not want power, just a screen on which to see the content. They are usually cheap and inefficient tablets.

Apple iPads offer very good quality and power and are intended for people who want to get the most out of their machine. In general, they are expensive machines and require other Apple devices for good connectivity. If you generally use Android, opt for a tablet with this operating system, there are many different prices and technical features.

Regarding the technical specifications, pay close attention to the size of the RAM memory (we do not recommend less than 3 GB today), the screen (never less than FHD resolution), type of processor (preferably Snapdragon if we are going to make complex tasks, but today anyone is efficient), connectivity (if we want it to have LTE, that is, Internet access with a SIM card) and battery (not less than 6500 or 7000 mAh).

With these four points you can get an idea of ​​which tablet to buy in 2023. Go to your specialized center with this note well learned and start enjoying your new gadget. There are cheap models of the realme or Xiaomi brands that are highly recommended. If you want something more top, Samsung may be your favorite choice.