The fintech revolution needs its leaders

Finance has changed forever and its transformation is at the mercy of the new technological paradigm. Without a doubt, this technological evolution has turned the financial world into something totally different, granting a new dimension of freedom to users.

From the way in which financial transactions are carried out, to the way in which we interact with economic intermediaries, the so-called digital finance has the ingredients to lay the foundations for a disruptive economic model.

Digital finances have set a precedent in the autonomy they grant to users. The recent memory of the global pandemic crisis, added to the exponential technological evolution, has caused digitized financial models to become the new standard for citizens in all parts of the world.

Now, individuals and businesses can access financial services without having to rely on a physical location. This means that people can send and receive money quickly and easily, even without relying on traditional financial institutions. The same happens with companies, since they manage to obtain financing more efficiently, even financing each other without the need to deal with a bank.

This has resulted in unprecedented growth, where young companies have emerged and have quickly positioned themselves in the market, thanks to their disruptive technological proposals.

But this new scenario has been formed in an increasingly competitive economic situation. As a result, these explosively growing tech startups often run into a key barrier: a lack of experience.

From Nuclio Digital School, they point out that for these startups or emerging companies to be able to face the challenge of continuing to grow and not die from success, they need a key role among their ranks: the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a financial director who take the reins of strategic decisions in relation to the economic management of the company.

Without this professional, many companies end up paying the consequences of their lack of planning, as well as not having a clear financing strategy, greatly hindering their growth in the long term.

The CFO profile, although similar, differs from the traditional CFO. This new role must be assumed by a professional who masters the tools of the present and future. He has to be a person who masters agile methodologies, who has knowledge of the key role of Big Data, as well as the entire FinTech universe and decentralized finance (DeFi).

For this reason, Nuclio Digital School has launched a new specialized master’s degree in Digital Finance, an intensive program to train new professionals so that they are capable of setting the course of companies towards a prosperous future. Thanks to this program, students can obtain solid knowledge in financial planning, lean methodologies and the fintech ecosystem.

With this training, they will be able to exercise the role of CFO, being aware of all the key elements in the growth and financial management of a company. They will be able to deal with investment rounds and types of investors, as well as detect unique opportunities for economic growth, thanks to a practical approach and real examples.

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