
The Axis Unseen is a new “heavy metal horror game” that has caught the attention of gamers everywhere. Developed by Bethesda veteran Nate Purkeypile, known for his work on Fallout 3 and 4, Skyrim, and Starfield, this game promises to be a thrilling experience.

Set in a world filled with nightmarish monsters from ancient folklore, players will take on the role of a monster hunter with enhanced senses and elemental arrows. The game’s Steam page describes the gameplay as hunting creatures, following their tracks, and upgrading your senses with their powers. But beware, as the hunter can also become the hunted.

The trailer for The Axis Unseen showcases a variety of creatures, some innocent-looking and others more menacing. It’s clear that this game will offer a challenging and immersive experience for players who enjoy a mix of stealth and exploration.

While the game may not be for everyone, those who are intrigued by the idea of bowhunting monsters in a mysterious open world will likely find it to be a thrilling adventure. The game is set to launch in October, although a specific release date has not been announced yet.

Fans of RPGs, immersive sims, and shooters are sure to appreciate the unique gameplay and dark atmosphere of The Axis Unseen. If you’re looking for a new and exciting gaming experience, be sure to check out this upcoming title on Steam. Stay tuned for more updates and information on this intriguing game.