
Shooter Acquitted in Self-Defense Case: Man Found Not Guilty for Killing Victim

In a tragic turn of events, Clenelle Johnson, a 56-year-old contractor, lost his life five years ago after being shot by a man in St. Louis. The incident occurred when Johnson, known for his kindness and willingness to help others, approached the shooter for assistance with a job in exchange for cash. Despite his intentions to brighten someone’s day, Johnson’s life was cut short, leaving his family and loved ones devastated by the senseless act of violence.

The Shooting Incident and Legal Proceedings

The fatal shooting took place on October 28, 2019, in the 1000 block of Bates Street, not far from Carondelet Park. Kevin Patrick, a 47-year-old man, was arrested by the police and charged with involuntary manslaughter and armed criminal action for firing multiple shots at Johnson. The court records indicate that Patrick shot Johnson five to six times, leading to his untimely death.

Johnson had been working on rehabbing a home on Colorado Ave. when he and his contracting partner needed help carrying materials. Spotting another property in need of renovation on Bates Street, Johnson approached the house and called out for someone to assist him in removing items, offering to pay for the help. Tragically, this simple act of seeking assistance cost Johnson his life when he entered the house and encountered the shooter.

The Defense’s Argument and Ruling

During the trial, defense attorney Joel Schwartz argued that Patrick acted in self-defense under Missouri’s castle doctrine, which allows individuals to use lethal force to protect themselves in their homes or vehicles. Schwartz maintained that the home where the shooting occurred was not abandoned and that Patrick, the homeowner, had the right to defend himself against perceived threats.

After a bench trial, a St. Louis judge ultimately ruled in favor of Patrick, declaring him not guilty of any crimes in relation to Johnson’s death. While acknowledging the tragedy of the situation, Schwartz emphasized that his client had acted within the bounds of the law and had the right to protect himself on his property.

Impact on Johnson’s Family and Community

The loss of Clenelle Johnson has left a profound impact on his family, including his six children and seven grandchildren, who are left to grieve the senseless loss of their loved one. Johnson’s stepdaughter, Gabrielle Treadway, expressed her disbelief and sadness over the circumstances that led to his death, highlighting Johnson’s compassionate nature and willingness to help others.

Treadway lamented the fact that a simple offer for assistance and payment had resulted in such a tragic outcome, underscoring the injustice of Johnson losing his life while trying to help someone in need. She emphasized that Johnson’s memory would live on through the positive impact he had on those around him, despite the senseless violence that cut his life short.

Moving Forward: Reflections on the Case

The acquittal of Kevin Patrick in the shooting death of Clenelle Johnson raises questions about the interpretation and application of self-defense laws in Missouri. While the castle doctrine aims to protect homeowners and individuals in their vehicles, some critics argue that it may provide excessive leeway for the use of firearms in potentially avoidable situations.

As the legal landscape surrounding self-defense continues to evolve, it is essential to consider the implications of such laws on public safety and the prevention of unnecessary violence. The tragic outcome of Johnson’s encounter serves as a sobering reminder of the consequences of armed confrontations and the need for responsible gun ownership and conflict resolution strategies.

In the wake of this heartbreaking incident, Johnson’s family and community are left to grapple with the loss of a beloved father, grandfather, and friend. While the legal proceedings have concluded, the emotional wounds inflicted by his untimely death will continue to linger, serving as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating impact of gun violence on individuals and communities.