Movistar Riders wins the cup in the final of the League of Legends Super League. Their rival, the Heretics, have not had any chance against the “riders”, who have prevailed with a clear 3 to 0. Initially, the favorite team was that of the “heretics”, who had just won the last League of Legends competition at the European level and also held the title of Super League champion.

Against all odds, Movistar Riders has dominated on all three maps and has not given any room for a comeback. Today’s is among the three fastest victories in the history of the Super League.

The grand final of the League of Legends Super League, organized by the Professional Video Game League (Mediapro Group), was played this Saturday, April 1, at the Zaragoza auditorium. The face-to-face event has had almost 2,000 spectators and tickets sold out in less than 24 hours after its departure. The LVP Super League is the largest electronic sports competition in Spain.

Hardly anyone in the Zaragoza auditorium expected the grand final to end 3-0. Most of the pools, in fact, pointed to a Heretics victory on very close maps. But reality has prevailed and Movistar Riders has reclaimed its position as the best League of Legends team in Spain. Both teams were fighting to get their second cup in this competition, but only one could take it home.

League of Legends is the most popular electronic sport in the world with more than 150 million monthly players. The company responsible for the game is the Californian studio Riot Games, which has also developed another of the main esports of the moment: Valorant.