Meta’s social networks are once again in the crosshairs of US government agencies after 41 states have announced a federal lawsuit against the owner of Instagram and Facebook, blaming it for generating a “youth mental health crisis.”

In addition, the company led by Mark Zuckerberg has been accused of misleading the public about the risks of using social networks and using addictive features to “hook” users, in addition to hiding the “substantial dangers” of its platforms, especially for the youngest ones.

The lawsuit from 33 regions and 9 attorneys general alleges that Meta has violated consumer protection laws by engaging in “deceptive” conduct by collecting data from children under 13 years of age, in violation of its obligations under the Act. Protection of Children’s Privacy on the Internet.

New York Attorney General Letitia James has been forceful in her analysis of the case: “Social media companies, including Meta, have contributed to a national youth mental health crisis and must be held accountable,” drawing a line that they have followed by the other prosecutors.

This lawsuit is the most important in this regard so far in the United States, which has come after an investigation into the company’s practices in 2021 by several state prosecutors who were reviewing whether Meta knew that its products could harm children. .

The company has responded that they are committed to “providing teens with safe and positive experiences online” and that “it had already introduced more than 30 tools to support teens and their families,” so they feel “disappointed.” for this performance.