Laura-June Clarke is a Belgian who lives in Barcelona. A couple of years ago at a hackathon one of her team members had her period. They started talking about how pain relief could be relieved without using medicines like ibuprofen and that was the beginning of Moonai. A therapeutic application that helps alleviate menstrual pain through music generated by specialists.

We spoke with Clarke at MWC 2023. When asked what led her to explore this therapeutic pathway for menstrual pain, she explains that “for 10 years I investigated the influence of music on the brain because I have some attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Music has been very important in my life. To help me focus, sleep, do things. And so I started doing this research. We started talking to women and other scientists and that’s how Moonai started.”

The application asks a series of questions about the person in question and also about what they want to achieve: rest or stay active. Once an option is chosen the sound kicks in. To achieve the therapeutic effect achieved by certain sound frequencies, Laura-June recommends the use of headphones with the telephone.

The app, available for Android and iPhone, can be used for free. But if you want to use it unlimited, you have to pay a subscription to use it for a specific period of time.

In addition to therapeutic sounds, the app claims to be a tool to improve women’s health. Although Moonai has only been fully operational for two months, its founder tells us that the team is already working with the future in mind.

Iván Ferigno is co-founder of Moonai and product manager. His task has been to bring Laura’s idea to life with the development team. In the chat we have with him, she explains that “artificial intelligence is in Moonai’s development plan, we want to use deep learning to better understand how users behave and improve sounds, which are produced by artists. But we want the AI ​​to make variations of the themes.”