The potential of artificial intelligence is still unfathomable to many experts, but Softbank CEO and global technology guru, Masayoshi Son, has made a bold prediction: in 10 years, AI will surpass human intelligence.

Son has used his message to urge Japanese companies to quickly adopt AI so as not to become obsolete in a race that, according to his vision, will end up affecting all sectors: transportation, finance, manufacturing, logistics and many others.

The Japanese tycoon predicts that companies and people who work with AI will be the leaders in the next 10 to 20 years: “I want to be on the side of progress. It would be sad to be on the side of those left behind, like on an old closed street,” Son predicted.

Son has given an example to Japan and its past mistake of being left behind in the Internet era, and warned of the reluctance of some companies for fear of data leaks and other possible risks: “The youth of Japan, wake up” , he pointed out.

Just a few days ago, the rumor came to light about an artificial intelligence device that Apple’s former design chief, Jony Ive, was developing for OpenAI, the company founded by Sam Altman that owns ChatGPT. Information published by American media indicates that this project would be financed by Son, who would be willing to invest up to 1 billion dollars.

To date, Son is estimated to have spent more than $140 billion on AI-related startups. He has several notable successes in his business as well as the occasional business bet that has ended up failing.