Is It Legal to Warm Up Your Car in St. Louis? Understanding the Laws and Regulations


As the winter season approaches and temperatures drop, many people in the St. Louis region may be wondering if it is legal to warm up their cars before hitting the road. While it may seem like a harmless and practical way to prepare for cold and icy conditions, there are laws and regulations in place that could land you in legal trouble if not followed.

In St. Louis City, there is an ordinance that prohibits leaving a vehicle “idle” for more than five minutes in any given hour, or ten minutes in any given hour when temperatures are below freezing. Violating this ordinance could result in fines of up to $150. However, there are exceptions for emergency vehicles and other specific purposes.

St. Louis County does not have a specific law against warming up a car in cold temperatures, but there are restrictions in accordance with the county’s air pollution code. Leaving a vehicle “idle” for more than three minutes while parked, standing, or stopped is considered illegal, with exceptions for emergency vehicles.

In Missouri, there are regulations set by the Department of Natural Resources that restrict the idling of heavy-duty diesel vehicles for more than five minutes over any given hour in certain counties, including those in the St. Louis area. This is part of an effort to control air pollution. Violations of these regulations may result in fines, depending on the municipality.

Illinois prohibits leaving a car unattended while running in most cases, unless certain precautions are taken, such as locking the ignition and removing the key. There are exceptions for law enforcement officers and emergency vehicle drivers. Using a remote starter system to start a vehicle while unattended is allowed, as long as the engine is not left running for more than 10 minutes over any given hour.

While it may not be explicitly illegal to use a remote starter to warm up a car in Missouri, it is important to follow local and state laws regarding idling. Most statutes suggest that anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes is a reasonable amount of time to warm up a car while it is parked and running.

In conclusion, whether you are in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Missouri, or Illinois, it is essential to be aware of the laws and regulations regarding idling and warming up your vehicle in cold weather. By following these rules, you can avoid potential fines and legal troubles while staying safe on the road during the winter months.

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