Little by little, new aspects are emerging about the metaverse that Mark Zuckerberg’s company promotes with the help of its shareholders. At the moment, we do not know how this new virtual world will work in detail, but we do know some of the possible applications that user avatars will have. If you use Instagram or Facebook Messenger regularly, you will have realized that you can now use these human-like memojis, mainly in the form of static and animated stickers in your conversations and stories. Now, the technology giant is working on greater integration of these avatars in the messaging application par excellence: Whatsapp.

According to the digital media specialized in technology WaBetaInfo, Meta is already testing a beta version of the Android application that incorporates WhatsApp calls with 3D avatars. Think about it for a moment! This new feature, which will replace your face with that of your virtual counterpart, can be very useful if you’re in a hurry to appear in front of the camera. Whether because you have an imminent work meeting and you haven’t had time to comb your hair, or simply to have a fun time with your closest friends, 3D avatars seem to be emerging as a powerful resource with which to bring users closer and closer. to the experiences that they will be able to live soon within the metaverse.

Apparently, the intention of the Silicon Valley company is to introduce video calls with 3D avatars in future WhatsApp updates. In fact, the WaBetaInfo portal has leaked what the new application interface would look like in its Android version. In this way, it is likely that very soon we will be able to see how our avatar emulates our gestures and even, as a novelty, the movements we make with our hands when we talk ‘face to face’ with our contacts. Stay tuned!

What does the application need for the user to access this new feature? Very easy! Take a selfie of ourselves and make some small adjustments to the application’s commands, since it won’t be as easy as hitting a button after picking up.